Learning Scala 1/x

I have started looking into scale for the first time and figured I would create a post about it.

I have programmed in Python for the last few years after about 6 years of C# code which followed too many years in C++. I have as such moved slowly from more complex code towards easier code. As my brother says: We start with machine learning and coding in Fortran and end up adding things in Excel. Hopefully this is not another step in that direction but rather a step towards ML and more manageable code.

So here is what I plan to do:

  • Read the tutorals online. How to install. How to setup ect. The big HW.
  • log in to pluralsite – and quickly run through the first 4-6 hours of lectures explaning the wonders of scale. What can it do and why is it the greatest discovery since… idk… soup?
  • Start a project, finish it on github.
  • Blog about all of it here.

Sounds like a plan? Perhaps not. I still need a time schedule and since I’m (like everyone) strapped for time I will set aside 2 hours a day in the next 3 weeks to do it. I think this should be sufficient to learn the 20% that is used 80% of the time. The rest will have to come with a professional experience.







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